Home page " Gluten-free recipes " Gluten-free Raspberry Marenkake
Gluten free Raspberry and meringue cake
Recipe published
Gluten free Raspberry and meringue cake
Recipe by Marika Kaila
kplCooking time
minutesGluten-free raspberry meringue cake combines sweet meringue and vanilla filling. You can also swap raspberries for other berries if you wish.
- Bottom
2 eggs
1 dl sugar
2tspreal vanilla sugar
0,5tspbaking powder
0,25 dl fairy curdled rapeseed
0,25 dl Virtasalmi's Grain Product Gluten Free Dark Whole Grain Rice Flour
0,25 dl Virtasalmen Viljatuote's gluten-free dark wholegrain teff flour
1 dl Virtasalmi's Grain Product Light Gluten Free Flour Puree
0,25 dl boiling water
- Vanilla filling
1 dl vanilla custard powder (millet)
4tspreal vanilla sugar
2,5 dl cold water
1 prk (200 g) vanilla cream (valion)
- Marenki
3 protein
1 dl sugar
- Accessed on
n. 3 dl fresh raspberries (if using frozen raspberries, add them frozen, do not let them thaw before adding)
- Bottom
- Whisk the eggs and sugars.
- Mix together the dry ingredients and add the fairy curd to the foam and stir.
- Finally, add the boiling water and mix well.
- Pour into a greased and floured loose-bottomed dish about 20 cm in diameter and make the vanilla filling.
- Vanilla filling
- Mix the vanilla cream powder, vanilla sugar and cold water together.
- Let stand for a couple of minutes, then add the curd and stir.
- Carefully pour over the base and bake at 170 'c for 40 minutes.
- Make the meringue when you have about 5 minutes of cooking time left.
- Marenki
- Whip the egg whites and sugar into a stiff froth.
- The meringue is ready when you can turn the cup upside down without the meringue falling out of the cup.
- Spread the meringue over the vanilla filling and sprinkle the raspberries as desired and continue baking for 15 minutes.
- When the cake is ready, chill it until cold. I personally took it to the fridge to cool when the pan was cool enough to lift into the fridge.
- Remove the edges of the loose tin only when the cake is cold.
- Before opening the edges, twist the edge of the pan with a wooden knife to ensure that the meringue comes off well.
- A delicious gluten-free raspberry and meringue cake is ready to enjoy.
Marika Kaila | Up to your wrists in dough